Forget new year’s resolutions. Try this instead! | Calgary Bookkeeper

You guys, it’s almost new-year-new-me time so instead of talking about money, I thought it would be fun to share my version of New Year’s resolutions. Ready, rock-steady?

I typically start my process well before the new year, around October 1st if I can, as I like to take my time, dig deep and get really specific.

Every year, I revisit Danielle Laporte’s Desire Map methodology and I come out inspired and ambitious af, every single time. Wanna try this with me?!

Here’s how…

  1. Start with how you want to feel.

    Ask yourself this simple question: "How do I want to feel?”.  In your journal, brainstorm what feelings make you come alive and aligned with your true self. Things like Love, Joy, Resilient, Brave, Abundant, Strong, Peaceful, Connected, etc. 

  2. Reframe.

    Instead of saying “I want to lose 20 pounds” or “I want to make more money” you can reframe your goal around your core desired feelings to “I want to feel free and confident and strong in my own body” or “I want to feel abundant and valued”

  3. Implement daily.

    Don’t wait until January 1st to start making changes! Once you decide on your desired feelings, commit to doing something each and every day to make yourself feel those feels. Yes, please to catching feels, and catching them daily. 

I noticed a big shift when I started this approach rather than sticking to the same resolutions year after year. My resolutions felt more positive and more about me working towards what I really want versus what others have imposed on me. It was truly a life-changing experience and I hope it has the same impact on you! 

Happy almost new-year-new-me!


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